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Public Address Search Help

Q: Do I need a User ID and Password to perform a Public Address Search?
A: No.


Q: Do I have to enter in any search criteria?
A: Technically, no. However if you do not enter in search criteria, you will be trying to search against the entire database and will not get any results because the WDO System will not display any search results if it finds more than the maximum number of records allowed that match the search criteria entered. Please enter search criteria to narrow down your search result list.


Q: How come I don't get any search results?
A: At this time, all activity records for the past two years are not available in the new WDO System. The Board is in the process of transferring activity record data from the old WDO System to this new WDO System; therefore it is recommended that the request form be submitted for all address searches (particularly if the system does not find any records that match your search criteria).


Q: How come I can't view the detailed inspection report for an address in my search result set?
A:In order to receive the detailed "WDO Inspection and Completion Activity Report", you must complete a "Request for Copy of Inspection or Completion Reports" form. Please click here to view the request form and delivery options.


Q: Do I need to select an option from the drop-down box next to the Street and City search fields?
A: No. The screen defaults to a 'Contains' search. Please see below for a description of the search options for Street and City fields:

  • Contains - This search option is similar to a wild card search. For example, if you enter 'Los' and use the Contains search option, the system will display a search result set that contains the letters "los" in any portion of any word for the field being searched against. (Note: The use of this particular option should be discouraged because it will be the slowest search and may produce more results than can be displayed to you.)
  • Exact Match - This search option uses the equals (=) operator in SQL for string comparison and will also make the comparison case insensitive (by using the toLower or toUpper operator on both operands). For example, if you search for 'Main' and use the Exact Match search option, the system will return a result set only if the word 'Main' is found in that field. If a street name is in the system as Main Street, the exact match search will not find it. In that case you should use the contains search option.
  • Sounds Like - This search uses Oracle�s soundex function for phonetic comparison of both operands. For example, if you are searching for 'Main Street' and you are not sure if Main is spelled 'Mane' or 'Main', using the Sounds Like search option will display a result set for anything that sounds like 'Main'.
  • Abbreviation - This search allows a lookup table to be referenced that contains city name abbreviations. For example, if you are searching for Los Angeles, you may enter 'LA' and select the Abbreviation search option and the search result will display both LA or Los Angeles records.

PR Login Help

Q: I keep getting an error message when I try to log in with the Userid and Password that the Board provided to me.
A: Userids and Passwords are case sensitive. Please ensure that you have entered your information correctly. If you are still experiencing problems, or have forgotten your password, you may contact the WDO Help Desk at (916) 561-8750 or submit an email request to WDO@dca.ca.gov.


Q: I forgot my password and/or userid.
A: Userids and Passwords are case sensitive. Please ensure that you have entered your information correctly. If you are still experiencing problems, or have forgotten your password, you may contact the WDO Help Desk at (916) 561-8750 or submit an email request to WDO@dca.ca.gov.


Q: I don't have a login id.
A: If you are a valid/active PR, and have not been assigned a Userid/Password to access your WDO account, please submit an email request to the Board at WDO@dca.ca.gov. New PR accounts cannot be created over the phone.